Brian Giles Website

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Places I recommend drinking at:
The Loop, Papa Cheneys, My House, Charlies, Dirty Jerseys, Bretts House, Club O (only when you can get dollar drinks), Waterloo

Places I recommend to not drink at:
Rush, Club O (When they don't have dollar drinks), pretty much most downtown bars, in the police station, Detroit.

What I recommend drinking:
Whisky , usually with Coke or Gingerale.
Jake prefers it on the rocks.
Beer if you like it. I don't like it but it's
the cheapest way to go.
The link to Jake's beer chart will be up soon.

What I recommend not to drink:
Tequila, Jack Daniels .. but i mean
whatever gets you drunk is fine with me.










Warning: Before consuming beer, look at this picture and see if you want to look this stupid. This is Brett after consuming a lot of beer. The picture underneath Brett is what you look like if you consume a lot of Whisky, so damn cool.